The depth of female nature
It’s easy to fall in love, but living with one person all your life is very difficult. Wife is a stabilizing factor in her husband’s life. It reminds of the ultimate goal: to grow good children, to leave them a spiritual and material inheritance. And, of course, she should inspire her husband to exploits: to fill up a mammoth and repairs in the apartment to bury the envy of the neighbors.
To protect the family world (Semejnyj-Mir) and create the most correct and harmonious relationships, a woman must fulfill five duties. What roles are the depth of a woman measured?
The role of a girlfriend
If the husband needs an advice, then the wife becomes the best friend, assistant, like -minded and associate.
The role of the sister
Motto: undemanding and happy with everything. Reproaches, nit -picking and clarification of relations do not lead to anything good. It’s better to completely agree and take the side of the husband, then he will be able to argue.
The role of the mother
Maternal feelings wake up when a husband needs to be supported, cheerful. If he is under stress or sick.
The role of the daughter
Obedient and laconic. If the husband is late and came with a tipsy, it is useless to express everything at once. It is better to undress, put to bed, and in the morning you can seriously and talk.
The role of the mistress
This is the most popular role in our society. And often marriage is reduced only to satisfying sexual needs. Love flashes like dry brushwood and quickly burns out, leaving only ash. Why is this happening? Because the remaining four duties are not fulfilled. Harmonious relationships are not built, there is no knowledge and readiness for family life.
Five fundamental roles determine the depth of female nature. Combining all these responsibilities is not easy and, sometimes, this must be studied for a long time.
But what about our dear husbands? What are their holy duties? Or they are immediately kings and gods in the family from the moment of its formation? No, not everything is so simple. The spouse has three criteria, according to which he can be considered a worthy representative of a kind.
First. Remember the purpose of your existence and realize your potential. The man prevails in a man and you need to be able to use it.
Second. Be fearless in the performance of his duties.
Third. Be generous. Perhaps this is the most difficult for a modern person. But can a stingy be considered a real man? Alas and ah.
It turns out that being a deep woman and a real man is difficult and easy at the same time. We need to sit down and analyze the relationship, understand what duty is not possible, which criterion should be completed additionally.
Then in the family there will be a good thing, and calmly at heart.