“Thank you, we no longer need your services” – many have heard such words. Depression, anxiety about the family, low self -esteem – everyone who lost his job felt this avalanche of negative emotions.
Where to begin
Employment consultants assure that those who are actively looking for the best work are found to be the best work. And, if earlier, having left without work, it was necessary to look for the addresses and numbers of the phone numbers of possible vacancies, now the JoOble website can be excellent help in the search. Having visited it, it is realistic to find a suitable job. This is a website worthy of trust. Here you should not be afraid of foggy proposals with common phrases: “We cooperate with leading companies”. Only specific sentences and vacancies.
Competently compose a resume
Success depends on its content. What information to provide? Surname, name, patronymic, phone number, email address and wishes should be written in a legible handwriting or printed. In addition to education, you need to write about the acquired skills that will be in demand. In addition to duties at the previous place of work, we can note the goals and successes that were achieved, as well as about their qualities, hobbies and interests.
It will not be superfluous to inform about participation in social activities (if it was) and what goals have been achieved in this regard. If the meeting with the alleged employer did not take place, you need to leave a card 10×15 cm for him with your data and a photo on the reverse side.
Preparation for the interview
You need to go to this meeting with full information about the company. The leader will be pleasantly surprised. You should think about what to put on yourself. The business style is most appropriate if the work is related to mental activity. Well, if the future work is physical labor, then the clothes should be appropriate. The main rule is purity, neatness and moderation in cosmetics and jewelry. Deep neckline or too short skirt will play bad service. A pre -thought -out clothing style will help reduce stress before the interview.
You need to come 15 minutes before the meeting, but not earlier. The first 3 seconds decide a lot: the conducting interview will have time to evaluate behavior, appearance, and the ability to keep itself. This will affect his further decision.
The employer cannot be considered an enemy. The meeting needs to start with a smile, respectful and good -natured attitude. It is unacceptable to be too relaxed and stooped by self -doubt and fidget in the chair. Direct posture says a lot. And yet, to respond badly about the previous authorities categorically cannot.